Your options for connection to the Chaplaincy Australia Network

Network Membership

This is your entry point to involvement with  Chaplaincy Australia.  Students studying Chaplaincy or people who want to be involved with CA as a supporter or a Church contact person are welcome to join.  No qualifications are needed. 

Benefits of being a Network Member

Benefits include being connected to a large group of people who are making a difference through Chaplaincy.  

You will be updated through our regular communications and you will receive  invitations to regional events, discounts for attendance at conferences and many CA Professional Development events.  

Once you have completed your Chaplaincy training you can apply to become an Associate or a Chaplain. 


Associate - Accreditation

If you have completed some Chaplaincy Training and are involved in some level Chaplaincy Ministry you can apply to be accredited as an Associate within the CA Network.  Associate is the entry level accreditation and as soon as you have completed your training and gained more professional experience you may apply to become a Chaplain.  

Benefits of being an Associate

As an Associate you gain the full support of, and access to, the growing influence that Chaplaincy Australia continues to develop nationwide.

You get to work with like-minded individuals and sharpen your professional skills.

You gain access to, and the support of, an experienced Regional Chaplain

You gain access to, and the support of, an experienced Sector Leader

Invitations to regional gatherings where you can connect with other chaplains and grow

Annual Chaplaincy Conferences contribute to your professional development

Regular notifications of chaplaincy employment opportunities

Heavily discounted professional development courses through CA & Alphacrucis

Access to a network of Pastoral Supervisors and Mentors to assist you in self-care.

Chaplain - Accreditation

Having completed a minimum of a CERT IV in Chaplaincy or Pastoral care and having a clearly defined Chaplaincy role you may apply for Accreditation as a Chaplain.  Chaplains are considered capable of operating in various chaplaincy contexts and sectors with minimal oversight.  They are highly trained with the right attitude and aptitude for this challenging role.  Their accreditation is renewed every 2 years.

Benefits of being a Chaplain

As a Chaplain you gain the full support of, and access to, the growing influence that Chaplaincy Australia continues to develop nationwide.

You get to work with like-minded individuals and sharpen your professional skills.

You gain access to, and the support of, an experienced Regional Chaplain

You gain access to, and the support of, an experienced Sector Leader

Invitations to regional gatherings where you can connect with other chaplains and grow

Annual Chaplaincy Conferences contribute to your professional development

Regular notifications of chaplaincy employment opportunities

Heavily discounted professional development courses through CA & Alphacrucis

Access to a network of Pastoral Supervisors and Mentors to assist you in self-care.

Opportunities for specialised disaster response training and deployments

Opportunity to be a part of the 1800Chaplain call team


Supervisor or Mentor

Supervisors and Mentors have completed specialised training in order to support Chaplains and Associates in their self-care and development.

If you are interested in becoming a Supervisor or Mentor please visit the Supervision and Mentoring page. 


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