Aged Care
The area of Aged Care in Australia is a vital aspect of Chaplaincy Ministry…
Sector Leaders:
NSW – Chaplain Jenny Blok – Phone: Email:
Arts & Creative
ADF Chaplaincy
ACC Chaplaincy Ministry in the ADF
The Australian Christian Churches are one of the Denominations in Australia who provide Chaplains to the Australian Defence Force. Chaplains serve in Navy, Army or Air Force in either full time or part-time capacities.
It is a challenging and rewarding ministry which is not for the faint of heart.
You need to be robust, physically fit, academically prepared, with a wide experience of pastoral ministry. You also need to demonstrate qualities which suit Chaplaincy Ministry and also prove your suitability as an officer within the ADF.
The ADF are currently looking for new Chaplains and are particularly interested in recruiting females to this role.
If you are interested in exploring this ministry please contact Ralph Estherby – the senior ACC Chaplain – ADF for more information.
His email is [email protected]
Corrective Services
Courts & Legal
Cruise Ships
Food Care
Home Care
Hospital Chaplaincy
ACC Chaplaincy Ministry in the ADF
The Australian Christian Churches are one of the Denominations in Australia who provide Chaplains to the Australian Defence Force. Chaplains serve in Navy, Army or Air Force in either full time or part-time capacities.
It is a challenging and rewarding ministry which is not for the faint of heart.
You need to be robust, physically fit, academically prepared, with a wide experience of pastoral ministry. You also need to demonstrate qualities which suit Chaplaincy Ministry and also prove your suitability as an officer within the ADF.
The ADF are currently looking for new Chaplains and are particularly interested in recruiting females to this role.
If you are interested in exploring this ministry please contact Ralph Estherby – the senior ACC Chaplain – ADF for more information.
His email is [email protected]