Our NSW/ACT Team is ready to help you...

Deb Kuhna - NSW/ACT State Director

Deb leads a great team who are truly making an impact across NSW.

Phone: 0413 135 707

[email protected]incyaustralia.com

Maria Quartiero

As assistant to NSW Director Maria does a fabulous job co-ordinating our conferences and special events.

Office Details

AC Building Level 2, 30 Cowper Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150

PO Box: 337 Paramatta, NSW, 2124

Phone: 02 8459 0315

[email protected]

The Neuroscience of Connection

…cultivating the relationship of presence with the whole person

Saturday August 17th 9.30am- 11.30am

As Chaplains, pastors and leaders we are wired to connect at all levels.  Learning to tune in to our nervous system can play a key role in our interactions. The relational space can become transformational as a field of presence is formed through attunement. This is where compassionate connections are cultivated,  differences are respected and presence extends an unspoken invitation to the other. Through our nervous system connections, authentic relationships empower us to activate better responses that can lead to a deeper level of communication and offer a sense of belonging.

Candy is an experienced Professional Supervisor – providing clinical & pastoral supervision for individuals and groups. Candy has extensive experience as a counsellor and chaplain within emergency services, healthcare and workplaces. Yet, her passion is within the provision of supervision.

Candy offers supervision to those in the people caring fields from counsellors, pastors (those in ministry settings), chaplains, and leaders. Candy sees supervision as a time to stop; reflecting and refining personal and professional space to rejuvenate, gain new perspectives, refocus, and grow into embracing a balanced life holistically.

Candy has studied a Graduate Certificate in Applied Neuroscience and will bring a wealth of knowledge about our connections with people.

We will look at:

  • Neuroscience of connection – Why will understanding this inform the chaplain’s practice of presence?
  • What is the importance of connecting to the whole person – spirit, soul and body? (voice and nervous systems)
  • How can the chaplain/pastor/leader cultivate presence?


CA Member – $35

Non Member- $60

Contact the NSW & ACT team

If you are living in NSW or ACT and are interested in exploring chaplaincy or if you are interested in training opportunities, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Do you need a supervisor? Do you want to be a Chaplaincy Australia recognised supervisor?

Accreditation Process

Our Chaplaincy network across NSW is growing in size, influence and effectiveness. We are excited that you are considering becoming a part of it. To apply to become a Chaplain or a Chaplaincy Associate please complete our online application form from our Accreditations page.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact  the National Accreditations Secretary [email protected].

Network Support

Our aim is to care for people at their point of need, by communicating the love of Christ in a compassionate and practical way. Equipped with theological training and skills in pastoral care, chaplains minister to people facing deeply distressing and traumatic situations, enabling them to better cope with periods of instability.

If you are interested in becoming a Chaplain then we would love to assist you in your journey. If it is training that you require, Chaplaincy Australia in partnership with Alphacrucis College (AC) can provide you with Chaplaincy specific training that will equip you for this ministry.

If you are already a Chaplain and active within your community but looking for a Network of Chaplains to connect with then please make contact with your State office.

We are committed to supporting you through: 

  • Ongoing support and encouragement through connection with a Regional Chaplain
  • Regular professional development days
  • Annual Chaplaincy Conference
  • Facilitation of mandatory supervision
  • Opportunity to train up and be deployed as part of our Disaster Response Teams