SA Region and Sector Leaders

Our Chaplaincy Network currently reaches into 26 different Sectors of Australian Society and Culture. We want to make sure that you are supported in the work that you do.  To this end each Chaplaincy Australia Chaplain or Associate has access to the support of both a geographical leader but also a sector leader who is an expert in their specific sector.  

These leaders are available to assist you with information, support and expertise as you navigate your way through this exciting ministry.  They are ready to assist you so don’t hestitate to email them and make contact today!

Ps. Jeff Marshall

Ps. Jeff Marshall

State Director - SA


[email protected]

Jeff has for the past twenty-five years been involved in serving his community through things like youth ministry, chaplaincy and currently the Pastor of a local church. Jeff’s passion is spreading the gospel and on occasion he uses words but most of the time he is empowering people in the local church to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the local community.

One of his key messages he operates by which he took from John Maxwell is, ‘people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!’. Jeff’s vision is to see Chaplaincy in South Australia equip individuals through the local church to impact every sector within their local communities that we care!

Ps. Pauline Santostefano

Ps. Pauline Santostefano

CASA Regions Leader SA Regional Leader – West Coast<br />


[email protected]

Pauline is an ordained minister with the ACC and together with her husband Rob are Senior Pastors of One Heart Church in Port Lincoln SA. They are also regional leaders to the West Coast Region of SA. Pauline holds a Diploma in Ministry and Chaplaincy.                                                                      

Pauline focuses on the two aspects of chaplaincy; she desires to raise the profile of chaplaincy across all sectors and to see a chaplain in all ACC churches. She wants to help pastors to see the value and importance of chaplaincy in their communities. And secondly to see that Chaplains are well trained, well-resourced and well supported.

Ps. Dan Pisulak

Ps. Dan Pisulak

SA Sector Leader – Community Chaplains

Dan serves as sector leader for Community Chaplaincy in South Australia. The vision is to have caring, passionate, trained, equipped, supervised and supported chaplains in every church across South Australia.


Dan is a credentialed minister with CRC Churches International.

Dan is a Licensed Residential Builder for almost 20 years.

Dan has previously held the role of Construction Program Manager with Habitat for Humanity SA

Dan has been serving as the Community Engagement Facilitator at Cornerstone Housing for four years.

Dan has served in several nations on short term mission trips including Myanmar, PNG, East Timor, Solomon Islands and Tasmania.

He volunteers with Teen Challenge SA.


Ps. David Bunyon

Ps. David Bunyon

Supervision and Mentoring Coordinator SA

[email protected]

After over 34 years of Church Pioneering, Church Leadership in city and outback environments David is caring and ministering into lives, marriages & relationships.

He is an Ordained ACC Minister, a Recognised Mentor, a SAPOL Chaplain and is currently the SA State Supervision and Mentoring Co-ordinator with Chaplaincy Australia. 

He loves to see people “breakthrough”, the vision and approach of Chaplaincy Australia towards helping those in need. Besides that He loves his wife, family, country driving, trains, the mountains and the sea, the natural world God has made, and God because He has!

John McWhirter-Whitlock

John McWhirter-Whitlock

SA Sector Leader – Corrective Services

John has been involved in prison ministry of Prison Chaplaincy for 20 years, and he is currently involved with KAIROS Prison ministry since 2009.

He is serving as a volunteer South Australian Department of Corrections prison Chaplain. I have been based at Yatala Labour Prison since September 2002. Between 2002 and 2010 I was Anglican Diocesan Prison Chaplain at Yatala Labour Prison and since 2010 I have served as the ACC Prison Chaplain.                                               


He is also involved with the KAIROS Prison ministry since 2009 and served on ten KAIROS short courses at Mobilong prison in Murray Bridge South Australia. KAIROS prison ministry is about sharing the Gospel so men and women can know the love of God, KAIROS has three arms, KAIROS inside, this is aimed at prisoners, KAIROS outside which is aimed at those men and women who have loved ones in the prison system and Torch which is for those in juvenile justice system. He has served in SA as a Disaster and Recovery Chaplain since 2015.                                                           

He is married to a Kiwi Rosemary and have two adult sons Peter and Christopher and I have a pet cockatiel called Freda!!

Stefan Horvath

Stefan Horvath

SA Sector Leader – Workplace Chaplaincy

Stefan’s business and corporate career spans over 35 years in the Australian Financial Services industry, where he has held senior management roles in Australia’s largest banks, insurance and investment companies.                                                                                                                              

Over the past 15 years, Stefan has held leadership roles in several Marketplace ministries including Fusion Australia’s Youth and Community ministry in their Corporate Development team, as a Director of the International Christian Chamber of Commerce Australia and a past Director of Business and Finance in Full Gospel Business Australia.                                                                                 

As a Workplace Chaplain, Stefan has a passion is to see people fulfill their God given potential in their lives and vocation.


Ps David Gibson

Ps David Gibson

SA Regional Leader – Kangaroo Island

David was born again in 1977 in a church that was in the midst of a revival. He has been an ACC Pastor for the last 35 years serving in three country pastorates with his wife Eunice. His passion is to see people saved, set free and healed by the power of God. He has been privileged over the years to see many lives changed and even though he nears the ‘retirement age’ he continues in a full-time position and is continually pressing in to up-skill and make himself available to those who might need him.

Together with his adult children Paul and Catherine they have endeavoured to establish and develop both a local church and a not-for-profit charity known as Island Care on Kangaroo Island, working extensively with people in crisis.

He also currently functions as a Chaplain with an aim to train and release further chaplains onto the island. The great need currently being faced being that of mental health presents an ever-growing need for able workers.

Mary Ong

Mary Ong

SA Sector Leader - Aged Care

[email protected]

Mary has been an aged care chaplain for two and a half years now. She is currently working at Lifecare in Adelaide as an aged care chaplain. In early 2022, she completed the Diploma in Chaplaincy at Alphacrucis University College. For many years, she did pastoral care and new Christian’s ministry in ACC churches. Currently, she attends Edge Church, Reynella, where she is involved in prayer ministry.

In her spare time, Mary loves spending time with her family, her rag doll cat, dog and listening to music. She also enjoys going to the beach, not forgetting dining out with friends/family and holidaying with her husband.