Our Tasmanian Team is ready to help you...
Gus Yearsley - Tasmanian State Director
Gus is involved with a number of chaplaincy roles across Tasmania, including disaster chaplaincy, airport chaplaincy in Hobart and Launceston, and police chaplaincy. As an ordained minister with Australian Christian Churches, he has broad ministry experience and is a pastor at Grace Church in Rokeby. Gus is passionate about chaplaincy and seeks to release qualified and accredited chaplains to support people in various organisations, workplaces and communities.
Office Details
Regional Chaplains
Our Network is supported by a fantastic group of Regional Chaplains and we are building that network in TAS. Over the next few months we will be strengthening these regional chaplains and providing you with the support you need.
Chaplaincy Australia Tasmania
Our chaplaincy network across lutruwita/Tasmania is growing in size, influence and effectiveness as we build connections with chaplains in various locations and settings.
Christian chaplains (current and aspiring) are encouraged to join Chaplaincy Australia to help develop support networks and to access ongoing professional development opportunities.
Most of our ACC churches have at least one chaplain connected with them and contributing to the life of their local church.
Regional chaplains (north-west, north and south) will be appointed soon to further strengthen chaplaincy networks.
Chaplaincy PD with Phil Linden
Saturday March 23rd, 2024
9 am to 12.30 pm
The Grace Centre, 11 Ralph Terrace, Rokeby
Cost: $60 for CA Members (excluding Network Members)
$90 for non-Members
Morning tea supplied
For more details contact [email protected]
Phil will cover two different topics to help us deepen our understanding of others and to improve our skills in conversation and listening.
Session 1: Asking Good Questions
In this session, we will explore the true power of asking good questions as we examine the greatest chaplain to ever minister – Jesus. What does a question really do? Why do we ask them? Listening v waiting to speak. The connection of the conscious and subconscious. Getting to the heart of the matter.
Session 2: The Theology of Disability
Disability is a sadly difficult issue for many people. From those with lived experience through to those who work in the disability industry, it is important to understand a theological view of disability. In this session we will consider matters such as the difference between disability and disease, the design elements of disability, the question of healing and how should we respond. With lived experienced in this area and a lot of study, Phil will unpack this in a presentation, followed by a question and answer time.
Phil Linden
Phil is an experienced local church and business leader, and an army chaplain for 5/6 RVR in Melbourne. His leadership is in three core areas: Vantage Point Church, Vantage Point Community and Distinctability.
Vantage Point Church where Phil is the Senior Leader has three campuses in Melbourne. He has spoken internationally and continues to serve on the State Executive of the Australian Christian Churches. Phil has a passion for entrepreneurial church leadership, new covenant teaching and strategic planning. His background is in corporate leadership and the not-for-profit sector in aid and development, having spent time working in developing nations in microfinance.
Vantage Point Community is a large food security, social inclusion, mental health first aid and CALD inclusion program that provides more than 8,000 meals per week, employs young people with disabilities and supports training in Mental Health First Aid.
Distinctability is a not-for-profit disability service provider that assists people with navigating the financial components of the NDIS.
Phil is married to Kirsten, also an Army Chaplain, and together they have six children. He follows AFL, barracks for the Hawks and runs small businesses as a hobby.
Contact the Tasmanian Team
If you are living in lutruwita/Tasmania and are interested in exploring chaplaincy and/or if you are interested in training opportunities, please contact us.
Which one of these people needs a Chaplain?
You might be in just the right place at the right time… make a decision today to train up to be a chaplain today.
Accreditation Process
Our Chaplaincy network across TAS is growing in size, influence and effectiveness. We are excited that you are considering becoming a part of it. To apply to become a Chaplain or a Chaplaincy Associate please complete our online application form from our Accreditations page.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the National Accreditations Secretary [email protected].
Network Support
Our aim is to care for people at their point of need, by communicating the love of Christ in a compassionate and practical way. Equipped with theological training and skills in pastoral care, chaplains minister to people facing deeply distressing and traumatic situations, enabling them to better cope with periods of instability.
If you are interested in becoming a Chaplain then we would love to assist you in your journey. If it is training that you require, Chaplaincy Australia in partnership with Alphacrucis College (AC) can provide you with Chaplaincy specific training that will equip you for this ministry.
If you are already a Chaplain and active within your community but looking for a Network of Chaplains to connect with then please make contact with your State office.
We are committed to supporting you through:
- Ongoing support and encouragement through connection with a Regional Chaplain
- Regular professional development days
- Annual Chaplaincy Conference
- Facilitation of mandatory supervision
- Opportunity to train up and be deployed as part of our Disaster Response Teams